The Outside World
Welcome to My Confession.
07 July 2013
还记得离开家的那一天,身上没什么钱,拉着Lucky,背着吉他和行李,不知该何去何从。 之后为了自己的家,我决定放弃Lucky,过新的生活,也因此我不再饲养宠物,不管是动物还是植物。 我讨厌这样的我。 但是,我第一次来到这个家的时候,我发现原来这些年我失去了我...
1 comment:
27 July 2012
Long time no S33
I dnot konw waht ma I dnoig rcenelty, btu I ma ptrety sreu I ama dseitneid 2 ulnukcy lfie. Atluogh I laern a lto in tihs semseter, btu I dn...
04 June 2012
TARC Training Cafe by Hotel Managements Students
TARC Training Cafe, I think it's called " Training Cafe ", cause my beloved Ah Ping's foursquare detected it's...
17 May 2012
同一日的 第二篇 部落格,因为同样的读后感,却 与爱情无关 ,所以我还是另外写了一篇来满足自己。 同样的是橘子的《只是好朋友?!》,只是读完这本书后,我也了解到,其实我是和庭羽差不多的人,不是样貌性格,而是因为我们的生活都差不多。我们都不适合高档的咖啡馆,报纸也看免费的东方日...
有那么一个人告诉我,当时我不知道我们是否相爱。 也因此,我大概了解我们的爱情正在干枯。 最近疯狂爱上小说,虽然之前一直都是喜欢看小说的人,但因上学院后,读小说的时间就越来越少。最近却不知为什么有时间读它们,而且花在书上的钱还不少, 九把刀 、 亦舒 、 橘子 都是...
07 May 2012
Bad Service !
Since I had a very long time didn't write a post, I should write something good, like how people comment on my short hair look say it...
30 April 2012
Back to TARC again !
1 year ago, I was a newbie in TARC, everything looks interesting for me and I was looking forward to my "new life". But today, I d...
27 April 2012
明天是工作的最后一天了,这4个星期的假期就这样结束了,除了电影和电视剧,我都不知我做过了什么。当然,工作也赚了一点钱,不过那天出去疯狂购物时也花了不少。下个星期就要恢复上课的日子,不再这么轻松,难得脑袋生锈,现在要它突然运作真不是件容易的事啊! 从小到大,我都是电视迷,自己几...
04 April 2012
I had been thinking for a long time about what's life, how can it be meaningful ? Only crazier will think about this kind of questions, ...
09 March 2012
3x Trouble 行X踏錯
3x Trouble Fans Meeting today at TARC ! 林德荣,林宇中,戴阳天和颜微恩今天下午12点到2点在拉曼学院进行影迷交流会,第一次讲堂里爆满了人群,平时上课想它满都难。==... 讲堂里大部分都是女生,而且大部分都是大众传播的学生...
18 February 2012
A journal for today. =)
Saturday evening, the sky was crying just now and it's cooling down. I hate raining, it's wet and cold, I don't used to the c...
10 February 2012
Fall in love with ...
I know, this sem is the short sem and next week will have a test for the Tamadun Islam and Asia , but I just can't control myself yet. ...
08 February 2012
曾经深爱过 (I loved You)
或许是因为最近读着橘子的小说-《你没说再见》,结果有好多回忆涌起。也或许好久没碰触华文小说,结果有点再次被影响。又或许我开始老了,岁月唤醒了隐藏了许久的记忆。 不管如何,今天我想一次过把回忆唤起,然后忘记。这样就可以没有负担的往前走,没有任何拖累的走。 引用九把刀的词,那些...
04 February 2012
Going to the end.
Chinese New Year is going to finidh soon, but the decorations in my house still haven't got out. My life seems back to normal, or it sho...
25 January 2012
简简单单的标题就是今年我想过的生活,今年的华人新年过得很"典型", 所以我也以华文来写这一篇'post'。 尤其是iPad不会帮我分段,所以用华文来写也有好处的。不知大家的年初二如何?我的年初二好似让我有所感触。 今年的年初二第一次到我的叔公家拜访,然后我在想,几...
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