BUT...if your answer is "no", then let's think about it, even we aren't poor, but at least don't simply waste the money. For a normal student like me, RM50 is enough for us in a week. This situation happened when I'm studying in high school, but after become a College student, RM50 may be just enough for 2 to 3 days.
My Calculations :
Books RM28
Stationary RM2.2
Homework stuffs (RM7.5 + RM5.9) [*divide* 5 person later]
Lunch RM9
Sponge Cake for brothers RM13
Correction Tape RM6.9
TOTAL = RM72.50
Pengmiutang : RM15
Penghutang : RM 10.72
Account student here :)
After I calculated, I realize that I was really spend a lot today (Cash), but for life expenses only 'Lunch' is RM9. Besides, all the things are not mine, except 'Books' and 'Homework stuffs'. Once my wallet is empty, I will feel very upset. Today, it's not empty yet, just...left...RM1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, thanks to Mr.Ah Wai who fetch Carlyn and let me tumpang to college. Some more he buy us McDonald for breakfast. Really thanks a lot.
The End. :)
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